The television series takes place behind the walls of the female prison where the condemned were given a variety of reasons. The story we see through the eyes of Eve, the main character, which gets into the jail for driving drunk when the crash with his son Philip, who almost died and killed the second driver. Eva must adapt to a new environment, which has several forms. Also get to know new people. With this fate she must be settled soon, because in prison, other rules are applyed... Although she must be adapted, but not to lose her face. In the women's prison dominion: tension, fear, deceit, intrigue and battles.
- Director
Peter Bebjak
Róbert Šveda
Lukáš Hanulák
Albert Vlk - Director of Photography
Martin Žiaran
Tomáš Zednikovič - Staring
Zuzana Mauréry
Elena Podzámska
Hana Gregorová
Anna Javorková
Pavel Kříž
Štefan Kožka
Henrieta Kecerová
Andrea Karnasová
Eva Kerekes
Judita Hansman
Hana Vagnerová
Jaroslav Mottl
Jana Oľhová
Branislav Deák
Peter Kočiš
Kamila Magálová
Kristína Turjanová
Zuzana Šebová
Zuzana Konečná - Client