The three-part miniseries was created in co-production with Czech Television and RTVS. It was directed by Petr Bebjak and the story is set in the early fifties. It tells the story of a young man whose father died on the Western Front and mother in prison convicted of collaborating. He is talented amateur actor with much greater ambitions but due to his unfavorable personnel profile, he is constantly changing jobs. One day he starts a job at the university as maintenance worker. The secret police deployed him there to get one of the professors of mathematics for cooperation.
- Director
Peter Bebjak - Screenplay
Petr Bok
Pavel Gotthard - Director of Photography
Martin Žiaran - Staring
Jan Cina
Jenovéfa Boková
Emília Vášáryová
Pavel Batěk
Adrian Jastrab
Jan Nedbal
Alexander Bárta
Lukáš Latinák - Year