Behind the Glass

  • Behind the Glass
  • Behind the Glass
  • Behind the Glass
  • Behind the Glass
  • Behind the Glass
  • Behind the Glass

This series follows the story of elite cops Tibor Maxovský (Tomáš Maštalír) and Norbert Višváder (Ján Koleník), whose common quest for justice ultimately pits them against each other. After the brutal murder of one of their colleagues, they promise the widow that they will find the culprits and bring them to trial. During their investigation, they gradually unearth the background of organised crime ranging from drug and human trafficking all the way to kidnapping, extortion and murder. The cops' efforts to bring the culprits to justice are complicated by their adversaries' endless supply of money and connections in the highest places. In the beginning, there is distrust. As time goes on, truth loses out to fear, the law gives way to brute force, and justice is bought off. It isn't clear who stands on the side of integrity and who has sold out.

  • Director
    Peter Bebjak, Róbert Šveda, Zuzana Marianková
  • Screenplay
    Valeria Schulczová
  • Director of Photography
    Martin Rau
  • Staring
    Tomáš Maštalír
    Ján Koleník
    Juraj Loj
    Kamila Magálová
    Milan Ondrík
    Rebeka Poláková
    Adam Jančina
    Jaroslav Mottl
    Tibor Vokoun
    Barbora Andrešičová
  • Year
  • Client
    TV JOJ